REVIEW: Star Wars Rebels "Legacy"

One of the bigger complaints that this show gets from what I've read is that it is predictable and that the heroes always get away in the end. They say that there are no surprises in the show. However, this episode, at the end, actually surprised me in a way. We finally get the answer of what happened to Ezra's parents, are you ready for it?

We see Ezra having visions of his parents and the appearance of a Lothcat. This makes Ezra want to find out what happened to them as he feels that they are alive. It turns out that Kanan and Hera have been trying for months pulling every string they could to find out about them. That is so amazing of them and I thought it was a nice touch of Ezra saying thank you to both of them.
After Ezra has another vision and uses the force to look up a list of recent Imperial prisoners that escaped, one of which is on Lothal. Kanan decides to take Ezra to Lothal at the exact moment of an attack.

Yes, at that moment, Agent Kallus, the Imperial fleet, and the Inquisitors attack the Rebels. Ezra goes ham on Kallus and was even so enraged that he was going to take on the two Inquisitors by himself. Kanan wisely blasts a door shut between them. However, during the gunfire, not only did the stormtroopers have bad aim, but so did the Rebels. Kanan and Ezra were terrible shots.
The fleet attempts to escape but the capitol ship is pulled in by a tractor beam. Hera and Sabine literally crashes into the Star Destroyer and destroy the tractor beam allowing the capitol ship to escape. That is what I was talking about earlier about no real danger and being predictable. The only real casualty was a small support ship that nobody cares about or mentions again.

Kanan, Ezra, and Chopper head back to Lothal were they see the remants of Ezra's house. Ezra then sees the Lothcat from his visions and decides to follow it. The Lothcat then jumps on a speeder but Ezra placed a tracking signal on it. However, I did not see him do it. I'm nitpicking, but I literally not him do it, unless I was really not paying attention.
This leads them to the prisoner that escaped earlier that Ezra sensed. It isn't his father, but rather the former governor of Lothal who was put in prison because he supported the Bridger's revolutionary messages.

Then, he finally tells Ezra what happens to his parents. They were killed trying to save more people during the prison escape the governor escaped from. So they were alive for many years before dying like heros. Well, what about it surprised you? The fact that they're dead. I thought that since this a kids show the parents would be alive, they would spend an episode or two trying to rescue them and we would have a heart-warming reunion. But no, they're dead, and Ezra has to learn to live with that.
I think that is even more of a powerful message for kids. Not every thing in life will be easy or go the way you like it. This doubles more for Ezra because his parents spoke out against the Empire, it is only natural that they wouldn't make it. I also liked how Ezra handled it as well and I liked how upfront and frank the governor was when telling that to him. Basically, I liked how everything was handled with the parents' fate.

The episode ends with Ezra having a force vision with his parents giving him comfort. You know, with more training and discipline, Ezra could be a really powerful Jedi. Kanan comforts him knowing that he and the Ghost crew will be there for him, no matter what.
So sure, some aspects of the episode were predictable. However, the stuff that was the most important, the fate of Ezra's parents was not inly handled well, but really surprised me. Hopefully the show will continue to throw surprises at us during the seond half of the season.