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REVIEW: Ghost 09

Remember last week when I wished that episode 8 was just a bump in the road? Turns out I was right: Kamen Rider Ghost episode 9 is a return to form and quality. Not only does it have a weekly plot that thematically and narratively fits within the rest of the show, but it’s a plot that definitely adds to the more serial narrative. Furthermore, it is a great case of a two-parter that can work effectively since the cliff-hanger and break in the plot doesn’t feel like a stretching of the plot, but rather that what they wanted to do cannot fit into one episode. Plus we get one of the most impressive looking forms with Benkei soul. Basically this episode made up for last week’s.

So the plot was far, far stronger than last week’s since Professor Igarashi, the victim of the week, fits into the overall plot far better than last week’s. The victim last week, was yes, an important mirroring of Takeru and Makoto’s situation, but since nothing really happened between the two last week, the victim felt useless and pointless. Professor Igarashi on the other hand has very strong ties to the serial plot since he was the one that helped Takeru’s father with the monolith 10 years ago. Additionally his friendship with Takeru’s father mirrors, or will mirror, Makoto and Takeru’s relationship. Furthermore he helped Takeru more than last week’s one. I feel that the earlier victims who didn’t add to the plot were okay to have since the serial plot wasn’t picking up and so the programme could dwell on self-contained plots; while last week’s episode plot just got in the way of the more interesting serial narrative.

Another reason I felt this plot was far stronger than last week’s was because we learnt more of the mysteries surrounding the narrative. We learnt that there are more human looking Ganmas, through Javelle, that there is a hierarchy in that society, that they want to invade our world, that Aran is royalty and that Saionji is definitely working for himself; We also got some set-up for later plotlines with the sage coming back and brining what has to be a MacGuffin with him along with the Ghost crew learning of Kanon. This all allows the audience to understand more of the mystery and serial plot, enough so that they are satisfied, but it still leaves enough in the dark for people to come back to the show. Last week’s episode did nothing to further the plot because we really didn’t learn anything and so it halted not only the plot, but wasn’t satisfying.

Character wise we got quite a lot of development this week as well and I’ll start with Takeru since he is the start of the programme and all. He didn’t change much this week, but we saw the results of the growing that has happened over the course of the 9 episodes. He believes in himself and others more than ever and he showed that his kindness will never end since he is more than happy to accept Makoto and help him with his problems. I especially loved the moment where he says that he doesn’t know what Makoto is going through, but that he will be there nonetheless for him. Another little moment I liked was when he talked to the Ghost of his father for advice; it shows that Takeru is still growing and still has anxieties and fears, thus making him more endearing and realistic.

Makoto got a lot of development as well as we are slowly starting to see the effect of his burden on him. I like that he isn’t just a two-dimensional cool guy character and that he is realistically getting more and more stressed about his sister. It really shows that he does care and does have love within him and so making him an even more nuanced character; I am really excited for where they take his character next. Finally, we got the first appearance of Javelle, played by Gekiranger’s Sotaro Yasuda. He didn’t get much screen time, but from what I did see, he is loyal to Aran, but not to the extent that he won’t criticise him. It’s nice that we are getting a new reoccurring villain, especially since he will be fighting himself. Aran and Saionji are great, but it’s nice to have a villain who is more of a direct threat to the riders.

It shouldn’t be forgotten that we also got a new Eyecon and form this week in Benkei. It is such a breath of fresh air since it is both able to be narratively significant and impressive in regards to its design and functionality. I really enjoyed that they used Benkei the historical figure for this plotline since his biography is thematically perfect for the story of Professor Igarasahi‘s friendship with Takeru’s father. Aesthetically I really enjoy it’s design with the 1000 weapons Benkei collected being the main theme for the helmet, while the overall design being very reminiscent of Sōhei (Japanese Buddhist Warrior Monk) garb, which Benkei likely wore. I also really liked the integration of the Buddhist prayer beads into the design as it fantastically broke up the mainly white outfit. Furthermore, the contrast of white and black on the form overall was also very strong.

Its powers are also extremely cool since its Omega attack of an Omega Bomber summons some of Benkei’s weapons to be thrown at the enemy, which fits perfectly into Ghost’s overall abundance of weapons. It was also nice to see Takeru finally win against Makoto after losing against him for a good couple weeks now. As for the unique weapon for the form, it’s both a hit and a miss. I like that they are utilising the Naginata mode again, since it looks quite appealing already and the idea of a giant hammer is also quite cool. But since the Spider Lantern can only open to make half a hammer head, it looks quite flimsy and ineffective. But overall, Benkei is definitely a strong design that fits wonderfully in Ghost’s pantheon of forms.

And now for my usual ‘stuff I can’t really categorise together’ paragraph. I really liked that the final battle of the episode was filmed at the Gojo Bridge where Benkei had his last stand. The action/direction was again fantastic with examples being the shot above as well as the first fight between the Seiryuto Ganma and Takeru and the moment where Takeru keeps the Eyecon away from its hands by chucking it between them. The general cinematography this week was also gorgeous, with a nice return to the distinct forests of the first episode. Speaking of the Seiryuto Ganma, I not only loved his design, but his plot to kill Professor Igarashi as he connects with Takeru to summon the Benkei Eyecon was devious and quite intelligent; I’m quite glad that he survived this week and will be used as the defeat next week to create a victory for the heroes who will probably be defeated by Javelle beforehand.

This week’s episode is so so so so so much better than last week’s. I can’t stress how much better it is written, acted, shot and pretty much everything-ed. With a strong plot that ties perfectly with serial storyline, a strong and relevant introduction of a new form and exciting developments of the serial narrative, this blows episode 8 out of the water.

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