REVIEW: Star Wars Rebels "The Future of the Force"

Now that is what I am talking about. I am going to be up front here. Even in good episodes I have some complaints. However, honestly, I really don't have any. This episode was incredible. This is an episode that will be talked about for awhile with Star Wars fans. Ahsoka Tano is back in action!

The plot in this episode is very similar to an episode from Star Wars the Clone Wars. In this episode, the Inquisitors are on a side mission to capture two force-sensitive babies. The episode even starts out with the two coming aboard a ship and stealing the child. They even kill (offscreen) everyone on the ship. Except, of course the baby's grandmother lives to tell Ahsoka what happened.
Ahsoka then sends Kanan, Ezra, Zeb, and Chopper on a mission to find the other child before the Inquisitors find it. What is interesting is that, at least to me, is that Ahsoka is still playing that she doesn't know a thing about Vader. She keeps referring to him as the Sith Lord. Maybe she still doesn't want to believe that he was once her former master Anakin.

The four rebels land on a distant planet where Zeb and Chopper break off and find the Inquisitors' fighters and the one child they took earlier. I'll say this about Zeb, while he didn't neccesarily have character growth this episode, he did have his moments to shine. I found it amusing how him of all people was calm with the babies and that he had to be the one to tell Ezra to keep calm.
On a side note, this is the first episode where the Inquisitors refer to each other by their titles/names, Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister. Zeb manages to outrun and outflank the two Inquisitors and the four rebels manage to recover the other baby. Chopper took the first baby away. From there, the three of them manage to out-smart the two as Ezra escapes through the cooling ducts with the baby.

Fine, I guess there is one small nitpick I have with the episode besides the fact that it is similar to an episode from the Clone Wars. Earlier in the episode Ezra noticed that the Seventh SIster's droids were scanning the place. However, later on he carelessly walked out of the building and even said the location of where the Rebel Network is hiding now.
I know that he was caught up in the moment and trying to calm the baby down, but still, that was a stupid thing to do.

However, from there, I have no complaints. The rest of the episode is one big action sequence and it is awesome. Kanan and Zeb fight the two Inquisitors while Ezra escaped. We see a cool lightsaber fight between Kanan and the Seventh Sister and Zeb actually charges at the Fifth Brother. Like I said, he has his moments to shine. It's also funny to realize that the vocies of Kanan and the Sister (Freddie Prinze and Sarah Michelle Gellar) are married in real life.
Realizing that they outmatched, Kanan and Zeb retreat where they jump out a window to where they fall onto a speeder that is being driven by the mother of the seond child. Yes, it was luck, but I don't care, it was awesome. A speeder chase ensues where the two speeders are crashed and the two Inquisitors briefly knock Kanan and Zeb out. It's just Ezra against the two of them while holding a baby, or is it?

At that moment, Ahsoka herself comes forward and brandishes her white lightsabers. Yes, she duels both of them head-on and she wipes the floor with them. Her fighting is the same since we last saw her in the Clone Wars, just with more control and fluidity. But yeah, the duel is awesome. It is now among the best lightsaber duels the show has done. Of course nobody dies yet and the Rebels manage to escape in the end, but it was still tense watching it regardless. The episode ends with Kanan realizing that they have to take care of the kids now and the Inquisitors find out where the rebellion is located.
Overall, what a great episode. I know I may seem like I am fanboying here but I honestly go into each episode with a critical mind looking to see what is good and bad. I felt that this week's episode really had no real big negatives at all, it was just an awesome episode. I have a feeling the rest of the season will keep up this intensity but we will have to wait and see for sure.