REVIEW: Ghost 01

So here we are folks with our Kamen Rider for 2015-2016: Ghost! With a simple, but effective plot, great action scenes, pretty good acting, it certainly does not have a ghastly start!

So as I said above, the plot, despite being quite simple actually really works. Some may say that it felt rushed and nothing much was done, but that’s simply because of Ghost’s rather simple premise. The premiere touches upon all that needed to be done/said and moved on without dwelling on it. Yes it does skip over some things, such as the father’s death and the villains we saw at the beginning/end, but I think this is a smart move on the show’s behalf. By shrouding this in mystery, as of now, it means that the show can come back to it later, thus have a wealth of stories to use, rather than simply grasp at straws.
As for the wider stuff introduced a lot of it seems very interesting; with the 99 days thing, for instance, it allows for a sense of immediacy within the story which raises the stakes. It’ll probably serve as the introduction of the final form though, considering that 99 days really isn’t that much in the grand scheme of things. On top of that I really, really enjoyed how they introduced the Musashi Eyecon. With the gaining of Eyecons being tied to Takeru having a personal connection to the historical figures, it allows for firstly a great use of story to promote the toys, secondly the progress of the quest will coincide well with Takeru’s own, thirdly there will always be a personal stake in their retrieval which will increase the drama and fourthly if they ever change hands (which is very likely to happen at this point) there will be a genuine loss and so have a larger impact.

However, since the the story is so minimal, it lets the characters themselves stand out. Takeru of course gains the most from this since he gets a lot of screen-time. With this time we are introduced to an unmotivated, but high in potential, normal teenager. With the added focus we can see him react like a normal teenager would to all of these weird and wonderful things happening to him. Some may say that this makes him a wet blanket or not heroic or whatever, but 1. He’s a kid who has never really encountered this sort of shit before and 2. It allows for a better character arc where he can eventually grow and become the heroic character that Kamen Riders really are. We’ve had too many Kamen Riders who were immediately heroic and knew what they were doing. Let them grow like a real human being would. Props to Nishime Shun for his acting; for a newbie he did really, really well and was extremely charming and cute. I’m very much looking forward to his performance.
But what about the rest of the cast? Well since the majority of the episode focuses upon Takeru and his first encounter with the Ganma and first outing as Ghost, they don’t get much of a focus. We do get the basics of their characters though: Akari believes in science to a fault and is like a big sister to Takeru; Onari is a fervent teacher and believer in Ghosts, as well as a proud loudmouth; Yurusen is a snarky and rude helper and the Hermit/Senin is a wise and grandiose figure, yet can be very silly and aloof. All in all a very interesting and varied range of characters. As for their lack of focus, again this is the first episode and so we will have plenty of time to get acquainted with them over the course of the year.

Now as for the direction and aesthetics: simply gorgeous. With lush forests, grand temples and open beaches, it’s so nice to not be only in the city anymore. If this is any indication of the general settings of the episodes to come, I am very much looking forward to it. For so long we have had the same urban cityscapes over and over again that to have some variety is a great joy. What’s even better is that Satoshi Morota’s direction perfectly encapsulates the mystery, style and genuine epicenes of Ghost with his smooth tracking shots as well as his gorgeous vistas. Ontop of that the general motif aesthetics of Ghost as well as the Ganmas give a very mystical, ancient and distinctively Japanese look that I feel Kamen Rider has been lacking. As a Japanese property, it’s nice to see Ghost using its cultural heritage and aesthetics for its visuals.
Speaking of Ghost and the Ganmas, I adore their designs. I think I spoke at length already in my ‘What to Expect in Kamen Rider Ghost’ about Ghost himself, but I want to reiterate how much I love the suit. The simpleness of it, the great combination of black and orange, the hoodie and how flow-y it is, all add up to a great design. The Musashi soul also is fantastic, with it simplistic, yet striking red hood and Katana hilt top-knot. The Ganma are also quite well designed, evoking some of Ishinomori’s other works such Henshin Ninja Arashi or the Akumaizers. On top of that I love how when they are defeated, their hoods or whatever come off, much like Ghost’s; it’s great when the parallels and similarities between the villains and the riders is not only remembered, but shown in such an obvious visual parallel. One gripe I do have with the Ganma’s presentation is that when they are attacked, they spew CGI black blood. I understand it’s supposed to be this stylistic Chanbara style effect, but it just looks really tacky. But what is extremely well done is Ghost’s finishers; his Rider kick is very evocative of Agito, but with its own flair. Extra points for the Ganma still trying to attack him while he charges. The effects are of course not realistic at all, but their stylishness and the charm really pull them through and make them look great.

Now for just a few tidbits here and there that I don’t feel fit in one cohesive paragraph: the fight choreography was great; I’m usually against the use of weapons since they kind of cheapen and make the fights seem less impressive, but with the use of unconvential weapons (such as a two handed approach or a spear) the fighting felt fresh. What was even better was when Ghost/Takeru fought hand to hand and used a very loose and kung-fu-esque style that fits his ghostly status. What was also nice was that Takeru couldn’t fight well at first. Praise should definetly go to Taikawa Seiji for being able to portray Takeru’s lack of experience, character and hint of heroism in his body. The only nitpicky thing I didn’t like about the episode was the really non-ceremonious reveal of the Machine Ghostriker as well as the fact that Takeru can drive a motorbike. Maybe we will get more of a reveal/focus next week considering that the Iguana Ghostriker is being debuted.

As you can obviously tell, I loved Ghost’s first outing; it was stylish, fast paced and left me asking me for more in a good way because I am very excited for next week’s episode. Some may complain about its lack of story, but I think Ghost will definitely burn bright as a Kamen Rider series.