REVIEW: Dragon Ball Super 1

The first episode of the only anime that matters, Dragon Ball Super, has finally aired! I’ve said it before, but it is just surreal to think that this is even a thing that exists. Also thank Kaioshin that GT can now officially be NOT canon. Though it’s a double-edged sword because now the excellent Battle of Gods and Resurrection F movies are no longer “canon” as well. I’ll get to that in a moment, but first let’s start with the review.

First, I’d like to give a shout out to the new opening. It rules, it get’s the blood pumpin’, it’s not as dumb as Head Chala though. So after a brief recap of the defeat of Majin Buu (using footage from Kai, no less) we are taken 6 months into the future. Everyone has forgotten about Majin Buu due to Dragon Balls, and the world is once again at peace. For the 4th time. Even Goku has buckled down and started working as a radish farmer, in tribute to his dear brother who tragically lost his life to an evil demon king. Okay, maybe that’s not the full truth, but it IS a funny coincidence. Goten shows up to give him some lunch and Goku just lets this 6 year old child drive the tractor for him while he eats and trains. It’s a pretty cute scene, as we finally get to see Goku being a normal dad to Goten. I remember when my dad said “fuck it” and made me mow the lawn when my feet couldn’t even reach the pedals. After a while, Goten accidentally drives off a cliff and unlike the many times Gohan almost died horribly as a toddler due to Goku’s negligence, he can just teleport to save Goten. Also Goten can fly, and he’s fought with a planet destroying demon god before, so no worries.

The scene cuts to a far off planet, where people are frantically getting ready to serve a special guest. This could only be the man/cat/god we all know and love. Yes, this is the introduction of Beerus and Whis! And here’s where we learn that this show is ignoring the movies and making up it’s own story for how the Z Fighters met these two. I personally am not TOO upset by this, because it could fix a few problems I had with the movies (due to them being pretty condensed). First, we now have a chance for Gohan and Gotenks to be on equal level with Vegeta and Goku since it’s only been 6 months rather than 3 years. I'm not saying SSG Gohan or Gotenks. Even Mystic Gohan and Super Gotenks being strong again is fine. Also now we can get a much less dumb way of obtaining Super Saiyan God. SSG is cool, but it was kinda asspulled with the whole “6 pure hearted saiyans!” whereas only two of the people were full saiyans, one of them was fucking Vegeta and one of them was Pan, a quarter saiyan fetus. I don't particularly have a better alternative, but I'm sure Toriyama can find one. Back on track, Beerus enjoys the feast in front of him, but it’s too greasy so he literally blows up exactly half of the planet. I’m sure he thought he was being exceedingly kind.

After this we get a quick scene of Mr. Satan doing a press conference about how great he is that he beat Cell AND...whoever that bad guy that showed up 6 months ago and was really strong! Hilariously though, Buu just bursts in on him and demands he make him food cause he’s hungry. After some bluffing (Which Mr. Satan’s entire life is built on) Buu just huffs and pouts in the kitchen alone until the conference is over. Knowing it’s a bad idea to get on Buu’s bad side regardless of him not being a sadistic mass genocider anymore, he still consoles him. Like a true friend. It’s always nice to see that previously bad characters aren’t just automatically good after being befriended though. I mean Jesus, it took Vegeta 7 years to realize he loved his family more than his pride as a saiyan.

Back on earth, Goten and Trunks decide they wanna get Videl a present in celebration of her marrying Gohan. They fly around the city, being weird and obnoxious (as per the norm with them) to various city folk until they hear that there’s apparently a spring that can “give an old wrinkled hag baby smooth skin”, but it’s really far away. Well, good thing that doesn’t at ALL matter to them (as they can fly around the world multiple times in a few minutes as Gotenks) so they find it. But uh oh, a big ol snake shows up! They’re also to close to people to use a Kamehameha or Double Buster. How are they gonna get out of this harrowing- who am I kidding? Goku could kill dinosaurs within the first chapter of the manga. They punch it’s ass straight to hell and head back with the water in hand. Videl applies the water and realizes “this is just normal ass water”. But they’re like 6 so she pretends to enjoy it. It’s actually a pretty sweet scene, and seeing Videl happy is nice cause she had it pretty rough 6 months ago. She also has to live with the fact that the guy her almost killed her boyfriend twice and ate her is now in a questionably romantic relationship with her dad.

After that crazy afternoon, Goten is telling his father about the wild day he had, before Mr Satan shows up. Proving he’s the best character, he humbly gives all the prize money he earned from “beating” Majin Buu to Goku. At first he’s hesitant but when he learns he could just give that money to Chichi so he doesn’t have to work anymore. He can finally hang out with his REAL family, King Kai and Bubbles the monkey. I'm not sure what the hell he could gain from it cause he could probably use the Kaioken X100 at this point and he JUST used the Spirit Bomb to blow up a guy a few months ago. I guess he just really likes him. That's why Krillin and 18 live with Roshi. Ominously though, at the very end it cuts to Kibitoshin and Elder Kaioshin looking up to the stars as the disappear one by one in terror. This can only mean lots of planets food are just far too greasy for a certain someone’s liking…

All in all, I’d say it’s a great return and a good reintroduction to some of the characters. It’s like a slice of life episode and an appetizer for what’s to come. And while I still have my worries, most of them have been washed away. I was smiling throughout the entire thing. I laughed quite loud when Beerus blew up half a planet and Buu just bursted into Mr. Satan’s meeting yelling “Mr. SATAN! I’M HUNGRY”! I even teared up during the end credits. A combination of the music and the heartwarming visuals. And when Goku turns to the camera and puts on a goofy smile, I feel right at home. However, let’s just hope we don’t dwell TOO much on this downtime stuff. Look at GT. Dear god, that show did not know what it wanted to be. I feel like this can be more focused though and I give the first episode a huge recommendation for longtime fans. Also, come on. Next episode we get to see Vegeta going to an amusement park with his family. That’s the definition of Comedy Gold.