REVIEW: Dino Super Charge 5 "Roar of the Red Ranger"
Is it possible for an episode to be enjoyable and a bit of a mess at the same time? I suppose Episode 5 answers that question for us in...

REVIEW: Star Wars Rebels "The Honorable Ones"
Oh boy, I have a bad feeling about this. About the episode, no, the episode was good. No, I feel like after tonight people are going to...

REVIEW: Ghost 19
This is the thing I really love about Kamen Rider Ghost. It’s able to take the mostly inconsequential monster of the week plotlines and...

REVIEW: Agent Carter "The Edge of Mystery"/"A Little Song and Dance"
Finally, we’re down to the last two-parter. I won’t lie that there are still some interesting things to follow up on like Ana being shot,...

REVIEW: Star Wars Rebels "Homecoming"
Oh, Star Wars Rebels, you are still a good show, but man, sometimes you dissapoint me. I get it, you're a kids show, but not every...

REVIEW: Ghost 18
So remember last week when I said that Episode 17 was filler? I take that back completely. After some time thinking about it, combined...

REVIEW: Agent Carter "Life of the Party"/"Monsters"
Another two-part episode this week which means another two-part review. I’m honestly wondering why they decide to do this in the first...

REVIEW: Deadpool
From the studio that seems to master re-doing things, Deadpool finally arrived and beared all of its…glory. And I mean that in every way....

REVIEW: Star Wars Rebels "The Call"
SPACE WHALES! Look at all the space whales! Ok, I'm good, I just had to get out the obvious joke out of the way. I mean, come on, that's...

REVIEW: Ghost 17
This is how you do filler episodes that are worth something. This is how you introduce a throwaway form and plot that doesn’t affect the...