REVIEW: Zyuohger 9
Can I call this a Groundhog Day episode if the characters are trapped in the same dream rather than the same day? Oh well, I’m going to...

REVIEW: Sailor Moon Crystal 28
Daimons and witches and veiled threats, oh my! This episode is presented as Act 27 Part 2, which explains the purpose for one of this...

REVIEW: Ghost 26
I really have no clue if I’ve ever mentioned this before (I probably have and I’ve just forgotten that I’ve done so because shit memory)...

REVIEW: Amazons 02
So with this week’s instalment of Amazons the hunt continues as questions are answered, blood is (of course) split and we get the proper...

REVIEW: Doctor Strange Teaser Trailer
#reviews #GeeknessOverlord #marvel #doctorstrange #videos

REVIEW: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. "Paradise Lost"
We return after the team discovers the startling revelations about Ward, finds another edge in Hydra’s plan to hopefully take them down,...

REVIEW: Zyuohger 8
This week’s episode focuses on Leo and his special power: being REALLY LOUD. It opens with the gang still handing out flyers for the...

REVIEW: Ghost 25
So last week I was complaining about how the tone of the episode was really jarring, but y’know what? At least something interesting and...

REVIEW: Amazons 01
So, here we are. First episode of this weird as experiment from Toei called Kamen Rider Amazons. Is it a sequel? No, not as far as I can...

REVIEW: Sailor Moon Crystal 27
To say that the Sailor Moon Crystal Season 3 premiere is a series overhaul would be an understatement. Given more time, more money, and...