REVIEW: Marvel's Inhumans "...And Finally: Black Bolt"
There is this inspiring line of remembering that a home is not where you are but the culture you make. It’s the people not the place that...

REVIEW: Marvel's Inhumans "Havoc in the Hidden Land"
The penultimate episode usually means coming closer to the end of season-long buildup. At this point, it gives a bigger perspective of...

REVIEW: Marvel's Inhumans "The Gentleman's Name Is Gorgon"
Hallelujah, we’re finally getting closer to the end. We’re all reunited, sort of, and we’re all headed back to the moon, again sort of....

REVIEW: Marvel's Inhumans "Something Inhuman This Way Comes..."
When writing these particular reviews, I sometimes wonder if I ever get repetitive with my complaints. Then again, if the show has no...

REVIEW: Marvel's Inhumans "Make Way For...Medusa"
Episode four has just aired which means we’re officially half-way through this mess of a series. There’s no clear sign of where it will...

REVIEW: Marvel's Inhumans "Divide and Conquer"
Did anybody else forget that this thing went on for longer than two episodes? Because I sure did. Not that the premiere had any sense of...

REVIEW: Marvel's Inhumans Premiere
What if I told you there was something that could beat the supreme lack of care of Agent Carter, the nonsense of Iron Fist, and the...