Gafa Modcast: S01E11 "Do everything Hulk Hogan says, except the racist stuff"
Join Ishraaq and Sean on their fourth outing about mecha anime focusing on Heavy Object episode 21 and 22, as well as Mobile Suit Gundam:...

Gafa Modcast: S01E10 "Gee Lwai, why do you get two robot bodies?"
Join Ishraaq and Sean on their fourth outing to the society hero section! Covers Active Raid and Dimension W episodes 10 & 11 Ishraaq-...

Gafa Modcast: S01E7 "His Real Identity Is..."
Join Ishraaq and Sean on their third outing to the society hero section! Covers Active Raid and Dimension W episodes 8 & 9. Ishraaq-...

Gafa Modcast: SPECIAL "Ishraaq's Personal Pick For Feburary!"
Here's the first of Ishraaq's monthly specials! Here we have his personal choice for the month of love! Gafa Modcast SPECIAL- Ishraaq's...